Rev. David King Speaks on the Importance of Holding Elected Officials Accountable

Milwaukee God Squad President the Rev. David King talked about the year of accountability campaign.  This campaign has been an important part of the organization as the King and many supporters are defending against threats to the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program.

King, who ran for State Assembly unsuccessfully in the 16th District against incumbent Leon Young in 2008 has been politically active and mentioned that the “Government should not dictate what we should be.”  King said: “we traded our morals for money, we traded our kids, for our future.”  King mentioned of his strong religous faith and railed against organizations like the Freedom from Religion Foundation for their attacks on faith based organizations.  King said: “It is America Bless God”, mentioning God Bless American in reverse.  Also, King mentioned that people seemed to forgot their morals when voting critcising his support for Barack Obama.

King mentioned the importance that conservatives need to educate those who live in the inner cities to educate people in breaking the trends of what he called “the he-said,  she-said game.”  It is important according to King that Democrats are acting on a “drug-high reality”, claiming the Democrats hand out welfare and destroy morality like its drug addiction.

King’s speech is an great highlight to inspire the many looking for hope.

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